It's an Italian Birthday Party!


We like to take advantage of any excuse to bring our favorite things - travel, great friends, Oliver - together. With that, it seemed right to host an Italian birthday party this year.

We are so excited to have exclusively taken over Monteverdi, an incredible village & hotel surrounded by an iconic landscape in the heart of Tuscany. Equidistant from Rome and Florence it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site - and it's magical.

Planning Your Trip

We want to help you make the most of your trip to Tuscany. We’ve included recommendations on flights as well as a few options for getting to/from Monteverdi from the airport. More on the TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS page.

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Oliver will be there!


Things to Explore & Adventures to Take

Monteverdi is beautiful on it's own and has lots to offer including a restaurant, various bar settings, a pool, cooking classes and a world class spa. Beyond Monteverdi there's even more.

If you're coming to stay for a few extra days check out the surrounding regions, or spend some time in Florence or Rome. We're including a few ideas for you!

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